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 newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

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Complete 8 Week Trainings Programm for beginners PDF Print Email
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Complete 8 Week Trainings Programm for beginners

Don’t exaggerate

It’s always better to train less rather than too much! Every beginner feels good while he trains and he wishes to continue training to recuperate all the lost time from the years of inactivity. But this is a dangerous trap: you should listen to the advice of experts and limit the training in the first 2 weeks extremely. Otherwise you will suffer a lot of muscle ache and stress your body a lot. It’s one major reason why many beginners quit and stop going to the gym.

As we said: The first two weeks are an important preparation period, when you start to prepare your body for a new challenge and to start enjoying the movements of working muscles.



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Muscles grow only during their resting periods, so from now on we will split weight training sessions in order to train each muscle every 9 days. On day one we train our chest, biceps and triceps, followed by 2 rest days, then on day 4 we train the legs, before resting on the next 3 days. On day 8 we train our back, shoulders and ABS. After 2-3 rest days we repeat the routine again. By splitting the training sessions in such a way we guarantee maximum muscle grow and fat-burning while we avoid overtraining.

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Get fitter and burn more fat with interval cardio training

From this point, our body is ready to make the cardio sessions more intense, and do interval training at least once a week. This means that we vary the intensity of our cardio training. If we train on a treadmill, we start at a normal pace for the first 5 minutes, and then we start to run really fast for 30 seconds followed by another minute when we walk at a normal intensity. We can repeat these intervals up to 5 times the first time, and once our body adapts, we can include more and more of these intervals into our cardio sessions until we reach 20 in one session. This kind of training improves our overall fitness significantly, and it helps to burn many more calories than on a normal cardio training.

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Ponte en forma y quema más grasa con el entrenamiento cardio de intervalos

A partir de ahora, nuestro cuerpo estará listo para intensificar las sesiones de cardio y realizar, al menos una vez a la semana, un entrenamiento de intervalos. Esto significa que variaremos la intensidad de nuestro entrenamiento de cardio. Si entrenamos en la cinta de correr, empezamos a un ritmo normal durante los primeros 5 minutos; después corremos muy rápido durante 30 segundos y volvemos a correr otro minuto a un ritmo normal. Podemos repetir este intervalo hasta cinco veces y, una vez que nuestro cuerpo se haya acostumbrado, podemos empezar a incorporar intervalos a nuestros entrenamientos de cardio hasta alcanzar los 20 por sesión. Este tipo de entrenamiento mejora nuestra forma, y quemamos muchas más calorías que con un entrenamiento cardio corriente.



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