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newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

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VEGGIE STYLE Moringa Leaf Powder - the nutrition dense vegan supplement. Moringa is a super food containing 90 nutrients ideal as dietary supplement for any athlete and specially vegan athletes. PDF Print Email
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Veggie Style Products - Veggy Power


MORINGA is a unique high concentrated


Multivitamin-mineral & protein power plant. Including all essential amino acids, coenzymes, 46 different antioxidants and Chlorophyll.




One Veggie Style Moringa Bottle contains 100 veggie capsules each filled with 400g of 100% RAW Organic Moringa Leaf Powder for the price of 14,70 Euros




Our Veggie Style Moringa Powder is 100% natural as it contains dried Moringa leaf powder – and this powder is a real “nutrition bomb”, as it contains in a natural and not chemically manipulated way a total of 90 different nutrients including a complete protein, and a complete range of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants. This unique and power full natural nutrient formula helps you to lose weight, to feel full of energy, be fit and stay healthy. It helps you to control your appetite, as your body gets all nutrients, you will suffer less hunger and you will be able to train harder and stronger in order to burn the maximum amount of bofy fat.



So if you live a healthy and fit lifestyle, than Moringa should be one of your wellbeing components besides of a regular training and a good plant based nutrition.

Moringa is the world’s most nutritionist vegetable tree, which offers an extremely complete and balanced source of vital vitamins, minerals, protein, trace elements and antioxidants – This Miracle Power Food gives your body in a natural and chemical free way a total of 90 different and important nutrients helping your body to be fit, healthy, strong, full of energy and young.

MORINGA is the most nutritious plant on the earth offering ALL essential amino acids, high protein content and each single gram of our VEGGIE STYLE MORINGA Powder is loaded with 46 different Antioxidants. After Supplementing with MORINGA, you will feel more energized and powerful for your daily activity.


MORINGA have many health benefits, such as:

  • Prevents heart and kidney diseases
  • Anti-Aging including healthy Skin & Eyes & Bones
  • Regulates blood pressure and sugar levels
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Moringa helps you to feel full of energy
  • Prevents gout
  • Helps to reduce weight
  • Prevents cancer based on the high content of antioxidants

VeggieStyle Moringa is the ideal natural vegan Multivitamin/Mineral and vegan protein complex which guarantees that your body gets the vital nutrients he needs - especially when you follow a weight loss diet or a plant based diet.

Moringa is also called the miracle tree, because it offers in a unique and natural way a high concentration of essential and vital nutrients. And in many of important nutrients, Moringa has a higher level compared to other plants which usually are famous for specific nutrient contents. Like for example:

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100g of Moringa Powder contains, for example 15 more potassium than bananas,

9 times higher protein content then the protein content in yoghurt including all essential amino acids

2 times the protein content of a glass milk

30 times the vitamin B2 in almonds

17 times more calcium then milk

10 times the vitamin A in carrots,

25 times more iron then spinach

And 0,5 times the vitamin c in oranges

Beside Moringa contains 49 antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.


Take 1-2 capsules of our Veggie Style Moringa capsules twice a day, preferable with the meals. And you will improve your fitness and health offering by the nutrients in our Moringa powder. The content of our Moringa veggie capsules: 100% Natural organic dried Moringa Oleifera leafs powder.



  • Moringa offers several benefits, such as:


  • Healthy blood circulation, pressure and sugar
  • Anti aging,
  • Fitness,
  • Weight loss
  • Healthy skin

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All high concentrated natural Moringa Nutrients have a high biological value and are easily absorbed by our body helping us to get energize, fit and healthy.



Moringa Oleifera




When you start to study about super foods and which plants have a very high content of nutrient covering a big variety of nutrients, you will soon find one of the few power plants, which covers all of this, and this plant is called Moringa Oleifera. We at Veggie Style love Moringa, as it is one natural multi-mineral-vitamin and protein super food supplement. And in India and Africa it is even used as such – in order to prevent malnutrition in Africa, they mix into their foods fresh Moringa Leafs which guarantees a complete nutrition including all essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients.


And Moringa offers in very dry areas of the world a big advantage: Moringa is a tree, which grows very well in dry areas giving advantage of offering an easy-grooving complete nutrition source in areas where many plants don’t have the chance to grow.


The power of Moringa is proven by one simply fact and without the need of studying the nutritional content of Moringa: In cases of child malnutrition, whenever Moringa is added to the meals, all symptoms of malnutrition disappeare, as Moringa contains nearly everything the body needs in order to grow and stay healthy.




Based on this, Moringa should be on a daily basis an ingredient in any athlete’s diet, as it is a completely natural multi nutrition vegan supplement. Our Moringa Trees grow naturally and the only process we do to our plants is to cut the leaves every 6 weeks, dry them and cut them into powder, so that it is easy to consume by adding it to the meals or in our Veggie Style Moringa Veggie capsules.





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