Do not always train with the same number of repetitions Print
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Do not always train with the same number of repetitions

Essentially, you should train a total of 12 sets of 8-12 repetitions for the chest, back and leg muscles, for a maximum of 30 minutes. For the small muscle groups you should limit the sets to 4-6 in a 20-minute time frame.

Train in accordance with your body´s capacity and condition. Not all bodies react the same to weight training. The number of repetitions should depend on the composition of your muscle fiber, which is mainly composed of two different types. On the one hand, there is the fiber that responds to light weights and high repetitions, and on the other hand we have the one that reacts and gets activated when we train with heavy weights and few repetitions. Therefore, in order to fully activate both fiber types, we should vary the number of repetitions to avoid partially training the muscles.

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