You have never trained? then it’s time to start una vida nueva basada en el FITNESS Print
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You have never trained? then it’s time to start

The first thing you have to consider, when you plan to change your life and begin fitness training is one thing: Training is a complete Joy which brings you to a state of complete happiness each time. This means you will soon be wanting to train and you will develop a new positive and healthy feeling towards your body.

An Overall fitness lifestyle includes:

Cardiovascular activity, strength flexibility training,

and the right nutrition

Eat well for bigger muscles and less fat

To get the most out of training, you should pay special attention to your diet because our well-being and fitness depends to a very high degree on how and what we eat. You only can get the best out of your training by bringing the right nutrients to your body. Start cutting out junk food, fried food, sugar, white bread, and choose healthy foods such as whole grains, vegetables, low fat protein sources, and nutrients with essential fat acids. And last but not least, drink plenty of water: one gallon is ideal.

Slow & light


The first TIP we give to anyone who wants to start is the following: Begin slow and light in the first week, which is a very important week, when you prepare your body smoothly for what will come. You have all your lives in front of you to follow the fitness lifestyle. Be aware, that most people tend to train very hard from the word go, which can make them soon lose interest. The reason is that they suffer so much from muscle aches that they won’t understand that training is a joy. After a few weeks of regular training, the body adapts so well that you will not suffer anymore muscle ache after a joyful workout.

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Beginn a new lifetime fitness lifestyle NOW

Introduction to the training terms:

Aerobic/Cardiovascular activity: Here we include all resistance exercises such as cycling, running, swimming, which speed up our breathing and heart rate. We recommend 2-3 cardio sessions per week at the start.

Stretching: The goal of this important workout is to enhance the range of motion in each joint. Be careful never to stretch cold muscles.

Weight training: With this workout we aim to become stronger develop a sexy body. For this, we use resistance machines and exercises with free weights such as dumbbells and barbells. We CAN’T train with weights as much as we would like – every body has a limit: This means that we shouldn’t train any muscle more than once a week and each small muscle (Biceps/triceps/forearm/calves/abdominals/shoulders) with 6-8 sets and each big muscle (legs/chest/back) with between 8 and 12 sets.

Warm Up: When we begin a session, we should start with either a light cardio routine to bring our body to the right training temperature and avoid injuries, or we should perform some warm-up sets with very low weights (while we increase the weight from set to set). If we begin like this our body will be perfectly prepared for the REAL training.

Repetition: A repetition is each single up and down movement of an exercise.


A Set: When we lift a weight as many times as we can (usually between 6 and 15 times) this episode is called a SET – and usually we perform 2-4 sets of each exercise during a workout.

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