Plan your workout! Print
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Plan your workout!

A very important aspect of successful training is thorough preparation!

? Many athletes, and especially beginners, train without any real thought or preparation. They walk around the gym and work out on whatever piece of equipment they feel like, in no particular order, and with no precise purpose. This kind of training is chaotic and leads to the loss of valuable training time, as they have to keep stopping and thinking about what exercise to do next. A well-planned exercise program helps you to be more efficient and productive in your training. You will be more motivated, focused, and effective in your workouts.

? The best preparation and plan allows you to concentrate exclusively on your workout in the gym. It helps you train more effectively and achieve your stated goals.

? Plan in detail what muscle you want to train and with what exercises

  This includes the choice of exercises, number of sets, repetitions, weights and the rests in between, etc.

? Plan alternative exercises, in case the machine you want to use is occupied.

? Your program should be clearly written out on a log card for easy reference in the gym and as a means to record your daily progress. You can then make continuous assessments of your achievements, and if necessary, make adjustments to your program.

? This will help you train better and more effectively.

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