Don’t exaggerate the training - Don’t overtrain Print
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Don’t exaggerate the training - Don’t overtrain

Too much training can destroy weeks of effort. This is a very important lesson for beginners to learn. Beginners can be very impatient in wanting to develop their bodies as fast as possible. Unfortunately, the desire for huge muscles and quick results encourages excessive daily workouts with little time for recovery. Overtraining leads to reduced muscle mass and of course, injuries.

Too much training stresses your body and leads to the production of stress hormones that destroy your testosterone. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the production of new muscle tissue. If you continue to overtrain, your muscles can’t recover, and they become weaker and weaker until your body starts to consume its own muscle tissue for energy. This then leads to a higher risk of injuries. People who overtrain feel lethargic and have sleeping problems. Their immune system is weaker, and they are more prone to infections. Other symptoms include a loss of appetite, moodiness, and increased blood pressure. An intensely trained muscle needs time to recover. This can mean up to a week before you exercise it again. You should train with a maximum of 12 sets for large muscles, and 6-8 sets for the smaller ones. Work the main muscle groups at maximum intensity for no more than 30 minutes, and the smaller muscles for no more than 20 minutes .

Learn to listen to your body. Train intensively only when you feel full of energy and have the desire to work. Whenever you feel the symptoms of overtraining, you should respect them and take 1-3 days to rest. This gives your body enough time to recover. After this recovery time, your batteries will be full of energy and you will really enjoy the following training.

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