Reach your 100th birthday thanks to a fit lifestyle Print
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In the island of Okinawa in the Chinese Sea, live the world’s healthiest people who live longer than anyone else in the world. For over 25 years scientists have studied the living habits of the Okinawa habitants. As a result of the studies, they have designed a plan aimed at discovering the fountain of youth.
In Okinawa there are 400 people alive who are over 100 years of age, 46% more than in the rest of the world. Even more impressive are the health statistics. There are 80% fewer heart-attacks, and also cases of breast and prostate cancer, than in the USA; there are also 50% fewer cases of colon cancer, and significantly lower levels of cholesterol. Compared to Americans, they have much higher levels of DHEA hormone, testosterone and estrogen. The secret of their longevity is not found in genes, but rather in lifestyle.
In Okinawa people practice good living habits. They drink little or no alcohol, they seldom smoke, they meditate, they work in their garden every day, practice Tai Chi. In their diet, you seldom find meat, but they do eat high quantities of fish, vegetables and fruit, and pulses, especially the soy bean. Isoflavon is a substance found in soy beans and green tea which optimizes the positive effect of estrogen, which is in part responsible for the Okinawa effect, and therefore an effective anti-aging weapon.


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