Vegetables for a better digestive system Print
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Vegetables for a better digestive system

Another argument in favor of vegetable juices is the benefits for the digestive system. Fast foods and an unhealthy diet will damage the digestive system, making it work less efficiently with less capacity of processing and absorbing the nutrients the body needs. The nutrients in vegetable juices are easily absorbed, much better than solid food, and they also contain fibers which enhance digestion.

Other valuable tips:

Make sure you include the pulp of the vegetables in your juice; as it contains most of the fibers beneficial for the digestion and the intestinal flora.

Freshly squeezed juice contains important vitamins which are sensitive to light and oxygen. If you have to store it for a few hours, it is best to use a light-proof bottle, filled to the top, tightly sealed and refrigerated. This will preserve most of the nutrients. We recommend you drink it immediately after squeezing.


Mix and vary the vegetables you choose for your juice. If you repeat them and do not vary, you may develop an allergic reaction.

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