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newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

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Plant Based Protein - Vegan Protein Shake - Vegetarian Protein – Vegan Protein Powder PDF Print Email
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Veggie Style Products - Veggy Power

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Our Body needs Protein every day – this is a fact!

And it is also a fact, that we can get the right amount of protein by our daily meals. Because protein is one basic element in all foods – but with big differences in the content per 100% and also the quality of the protein varies enormous from food to food.

Protein is the main components our body is made from – all different body tissues, beginning with our muscles and up to our lever, our skin and blood cells are made from protein and specially there components, the amino acids. By composing the different amino acids in a special way our body is able to construct our body out of the different 24 amino acids which exists.

It is also a fact, that our body does not depend on meat, fish, eggs, chicken or milk product in order to get enough protein for our body. With the right plant based diet, you will not have any problem in getting the protein you need from the animal free food you eat. Besides, with a vegan diet, you will feel better, as usually plant protein is easy and better digestible than the protein from animal sources, in addition; when you eat for example nuts, you will have the same protein amount than in a steak with a similar quality but with the advantage, that the nut is a more “clean and pure food as it is on the top of the production chain – the Nut tree produces the nuts, and you eat them. While on the other side, the cow for you steak has to eat over a long period tones of food including treatments such as antibiotics, medicines and hormones which all goes also into your body.



45g of our Veggie Style Protein Powder contain 32g of pure Protein with the highes quality. Whenever you mix 45g of our veggie style vegan protein powder with 250ml of water, this quantity equals the protein content of 6 eggs or 155g of chicken breast. Each of those 3 foods will give the same amount of 32g protein with a high assimilation rate, while the one between the veggie style protein powder and the eggs have both the maximal possible protein assimilation rate quality. But our veggie style plant based protein powder has one big advantage: It is allergen-free and besides it does not have any contaminations such as hormones, pesticides, antibiotics with what many animal proteins are contaminated.



In order to elaborate the best vegan Protein formula, we did study all different kind of plant based proteins in order to find the best way to create a water soluble tasty vegan protein powder. We have got to consider the protein content, the amino acid profile of many plants, and also the fact, whether this plant is available and grows easy.

Soon we find out, that Yellow Pea has already a very good protein – and based on our patented and very gently water based extracting method, we obtain a very natural protein isolate with the highest quality and a purity of 86% Protein.


Pea Protein is an excellent Protein source and nearly perfect, it just leaks in 2 amino acids, which are Cysteine and Metheonine – but on the other hand, it has a very high content of LYSINE. And this is where we take advantage of mother nature:  Because on the other hand, we have the Rice Protein, which is also a very good Protein, similar to the quality of Pea Protein, But on the opposite, Rice Protein is composed with a very high amount of Cysteine and Methionine, the amino acids in where Pea is weak – and to make this puzzle fit better, the causality is at its best, because, Rice has exactly one important amino acid, in where it has a very low concentration – and guess, which one it is: : Exactly ! LYSINE, exactly the amino acids, we find in abundance it the pea protein. This brings us to the advantage, that by mixing in the right proportion our Pea and Rice protein Isolate, we obtain one of the best Protein Compound with the highest quality find in nature. This naturally created vegan protein isolate fits perfect for the need of our body and offers the highest Amino acid profile comparable with the one found in whey protein and Egg protein. Our vegan protein powder formula has the highest assimilation rate of nearly perfect 98%. And the best of all: It is plant based! And 100% natural and we ensure that the extracting process is very gentle and chemical free by exclusively using a strict mechanical process on low temperature by following the rules for RAW foods.


But the list of advantages is even longer:  By the combination of RAW Yellow Pea protein Isolate and RAW Brown Rice Shroud Protein Isolate, we just not obtain one of the highest quality Protein for the human being, with a protein efficiency  ratio similar to egg and diary product  - it also offers following unbeatable advantage:


It is 100% Natural,


100% RAW


100% Plant based and suitable for a vegan and vegetarian diet


It also does not have the many side-effects and allergens of diary and egg protein.

Our Protein Shake is:

Gluten Free


Non Dairy & Non-Animal

Easy Digestible


100% Natural & RAW

And as being Hypoallergenic, you will not suffer on the side effects of many milk based Protein shakes, which can cause a bloated stomach and digestion problems.



And as your Mama always said: Eat veggies and you get strong and healthy….She was absolutely right; The right plant based nutrition combined with proper weight training makes you stronger than any with any other diet. And the best protein source is our Veggie Style Vegan Protein Isolate Shake.


Because of the simple fact, that it is Allergen and Gluten Free – the entire world is able to eat rice – but on the other hand, it is proven, that egg and dairy products are very high in allergens and bad fat acids. 70% of the human kind has allergic issues to milk products including whey protein, which basically starts with the lightest symptoms, which are flatulence and diarrhea.




If you ask any GYM and fitness follower, who is taking diary protein supplements, and you ask him for side effects, you will obtain as first answer: that he has a bloating stomach and gas problem since he takes this protein shakes – this is based on the view compounds found in these milk based products, which causes this allergic reaction during the digestion.


Our Plant based protein is allergen free, which offers you the advantage of not causing those negative side effects.




Our Plant based Protein is very high in all of the existing essential amino acids, this are those amino acids, which our body can’t produce himself by synthesizing them from other amino cadis – therefore we must supply and guarantee that our body obtains all of these 9 amino acids – and the best way is: by drinking each day a tasty VEGY STYLE Protein shake.





Our Veggie Style Vegan Protein Shakes not only offer all essential and non essential amino acids it also has a very high content of the so called BCAA’s the Branch Chain Amino Acids, which are Isoleucince, Leucine and Valine. The BCAA’s are very important, because our muscles need a high level of them as they are the main amino acids needed for constructing our muscle tissues. BCCA’s and glutamine are the most important amino acids in order to build muscles and help our body to regenerate from the training. Our Veggie Style protein has also a content of 7g Glutamine  per serving. Each serving of our Veggie Style Vegan Protein Shake contains in a natural way 7,8g of BCCA’s. Especially when we work out and we do a lot of sport and make our muscle work a lot.


Therefore we come to the next advantage of our VEGYSTYLE protein: It is very high in Glutamine. Glutamine is the most important amino acid for our muscle tissue. It is basically contained in our muscle cells, and whenever we want, that our muscle grow, we need to supply our muscles with enough Glutamine – and luckily we take advantage, of what mother nature offers us, by extracting the best protein sources and combining them at its best so that we achieve to produce on a 100% natural way the best isolated vegan protein sources, which are easy to digest, and offers the highest protein ratio.

etiquet-vegan-protein-shake-veggiestyle2Nutritional-Analysis-VEGAN PROTEIN SHAKE



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