VEGGIE STYLE SL - TAX-Number: B54843859 c/ Batalla de Lepanto 13bajo -  03570 Villajoyosa SPAIN

Call us SPAIN: +34 960-130003 UK: +44 203 6081451 Germany: 089/66679140  +3905211480177 USA:+1 5612877026 France: +33 805080065

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 newWEB veggie style 2019


newWEB veggie style 2019


newWEB veggie style 2019


newWEB veggie style 2019





























































Our Veggie Style 100% Natural and Plantbased vegan Protein Powder Shakes have a high content of high quelity protein, containing 82% of protein with a high assimilation rate compared to Egg or milkprotein, Our Vegan Supplemt protein shakes is siutable for any diet, as it does not contain any kind of added suggar and it is low in fat - it is flavores with natural Vanilla and Cacoa extract, and in addiciotn it is sweetend with natural stevia extract, with the result of a tasty and powerfull shake wich gives your body the protein he needs to train hard, build up muscles and helps you to burn body fat and build up your dream body whil you become stronger and faster in any sport.


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  • Текущий уровень запасов
    Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
    Protein Shaker
    2,60 €
    2,60 €
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    Текущий уровень запасов
    Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
    Veggie Style Plant based vegan protein shake with Vanilla, Choco and Strawberry flavor, rice protein isolat, pea protein isolate, vegetarian protein shake
    32,00 €
    32,00 €
    * Product has attributes
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    Текущий уровень запасов
    Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
    Our Power Green Vanilla Shake formula is a very powerful nutrient dense power nutrient formula – 100% Natural and with nutrition rich super foods and a plant based protein formula.
    48,00 €
    48,00 €
    * Product has attributes
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    Текущий уровень запасов
    Рейтинг: Пока без рейтинга
    Veggie Style Plant based vegan protein isolate powder NATURAL without flavor, rice protein isolat, pea protein isolate, vegetarian protein shake
    28,75 €
    28,75 €
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Показано 1 - 4 из 4Show:     Items Per Page


veggie style english
eggie Style Supplements are
100% Natural
and full of energizing
and powerful nutrition
veggie style english
Veggie Style is a 100% VEGAN company
our team as our equipment in our factory