VEGGIE STYLE SL - CIFr: B54843859 c/ Batalla de Lepanto 13bajo - 03570 Villajoyosa SPAIN
Llámenos al: 960-130003 o al mobil: 665033362 UK: +44 203 6081451 Germany: 089/66679140 +3905211480177 USA:+1 5612877026 France: +33 805080065
MACA Organica capsules for 13,90 € per 100 capsules
Our Veggie Style Organic Maca Powder and capsules stand for: Vitality, Energy, Clarity, Libido, Power and Strength
Maca regulates the Hormone Balance
Our Natural and Organic Maca Root Powder is grown in the high mountains of Peru and offer many powerful benefits on our body. MACA is one of the most powerful plants on earth. The high nutrient content in our Maca with more than 60 different phytonutrients are like a fuel injection for our brain and muscles regulating the optimum hormone balance and enhancing our libido and energy. Maca has a high concentration of many vital vitamins, minerals, plant sterols, essential amino acids and omegas. Maca has high contents of: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin B1, B2, B12, C, E, riboflavin, thiamine and ascorbic acid. Besides it is considered as an adaptogen with the capability of helping the body to combat and reduce stress symptoms being physically and mentally stronger and resistant. You can feel the benefits of MACA:
Increases energy stamina and feeling of well being
Boost of Libido and sex drive
Enhances fertility
Helps women to relieve symptoms of PMS and menopause.
Unlike medical herbs, Maca does not have negative effects when used properly and it has no contraindications or toxicity. Some people can feel some detoxification symptoms when they start to use Maca.
We all know the potential mother nature gives us, and also that there are plants which have some extraordinary high content on specific nutrients causing many health- and well- being benefits. Some of our Super foods are known for having a few specific beneficial effect, such as Maca which gives you energy and boosts your libido – and on the other hand, you have also super foods which are considered also whole foods, because they are extremely rich in high nutrient and phytochemical content with a big variety of different nutrient and high content on different vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids, and all this in natural no manipulated form – basically all our super foods pass just through one simple drying process and without the moisture, all healthy nutrients stay intact giving the possibility of a long shelf live conserving all health and well being benefits offered from this power plant foods.
Our Veggie Style Maca is 100% pure and organic and we use only 100% plantbased veggie capsules
Each 100 Capsules of our organic MACA Organica costs only for 13,90 €. Order them here and feel the energy Maca gives!