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Recup-Relax Herbal Anti-Stress- Formula
Stress is like poison for our body – whenever stress hormones are released they lower our energy, make us feel bad, and they are a cause of loosing muscle tissue and gaining weight in body-fat. High hormone-levels have also a bad influence to our testosterone levels as stress hormones reduce the levels of testosterone in our body.
Therefore it is very important for our wellbeing and for our goals in the sport to avoid stress as much as possible, but unfortunately it is not always possible. For situations of stress we developed this special anti stress hormone formula in where we selected herbs which are count as adaptogenes. Adaptogenes are substances which lower stress symptoms as they lover the stress-hormone levels. Less stress hormones are a great improvement of our wellbeing and helps us to reach our goals regarding muscle-gain, strength and weigh loss. And it helps also against chronic fatigue and is a great anti-aging help.
Intense weigh training and intense sport events in general are a big stress for our body and for this reason it is a big help to take a few capsules of Recup&Relax even 20 minutes before you finish your training, like you lower the tress hormone levels and you can take the maximum benefits and gains from your training.
Our Herbal anti-stress Formula contains following herbs:
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
This plant is since many years used in the Chinese medicine as it contains high levels on adaptogenic saponins and many antioxidants making it an effective natural helper to beat the stress symptoms lover stress hormones and strengthen our immune system.
Ashwagandha also known as Indian ginseng comes from the original in India cultivated plant called Withania somnifera. This plant is considered since always in the Indian medicine Ayurveda as adaptogene. Aswagandha helps us to have more energy, makes our body more resistant against colds and infections, and increase sexual capacity and fertility.
Goji Berry
Besides many other health benefits, Goji Berries also contain substances whish improves the body’s ability to deal with stress, traumas, fatigues and anxiety.
body's ability to deal with stress, trauma, fatigue and anxiety
Our decision to include into our Anti-Stress Formula Astralagus is because it strengthens the immune system and it helps in healing of wounds and injuries one main cause of high stress hormone levels in the body – the faster the injuries are healed the less stress our body duffers.
Acerloa Cherry
Vitamin C helps to lover stress-hormone levels – therefore it is an important help whenever we want to lover release of stress hormones, and Acerola Cherries contain 20 times more vitamin C then Oranges
Prueba Natur-Burn, difruta de los entrenos, come sano y verás como logras bajar estos Kilos de mas