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Our testosterone booster uses the ability of these three plants; to optimize our testosterone hormone levels in a natural way.

Testosterone has a very big impact on our wellbeing and our athletic performance, our libido and muscle growth and strength.

Since we started 2011, we where 100% the first 100% vegan supplement company in Europe with own production facily in order to guarantee that non of our equipment was ever in touch with ingredients which are non-vegan
The foundor himself Carlos Barbon is a vegan animal right activist and veggie since 1985 so one of the pioneers of vegan lifestyle and fitness.


Weight 125 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 10 cm

Strawberry, Vanilla


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optimize our testosterone

Our testosterone booster uses the ability of these three plants; to optimize our testosterone hormone levels in a natural way.Testosterone has a very big impact on our wellbeing and our athletic performance, our libido and muscle growth and strength.

Unfortunately, the human body starts from the 30th year of life, to produce each year less and less testosterone. The concentration of this important hormone decreases annually between 1% and 2%.

Max it out
TestoMax counteracts this by maximizing the body’s own testosterone production with these selected natural herbs. These three plants have a very positive influence on the hormone balance. TestoMax contains Tribulus Terrestris, Maca and YIB YANG HUO. This formula helps improve the athletic performance, increases strength and muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat and it leads to a better libido. 
Natural Herbal Formula

TestoMax provides the ability to optimize hormone levels, increases libido and maximize the body’s own testosterone production.

In the Chinese medicine, the root of the plant Sumais used for decades to increase the libido, the same effect the Maca Andine root has and which is also known from the plant Tribulus Terrestris.

Therefore this combination-formula offers the maximum and natural stimulation to enhance the body’s own testosterone production and levels and this in a natural way and free of side effects.

Specially for men over 30

STestoMax Helps to build new muscle tissue after intensive weight training, and it helps that our body recovers better and faster after each workout while it also maximizes the capacity to burn body fat. In generally it helps us to get and feel stronger and fitter.TestoMax is an ideal supplement for men over 30 – it helps to turn the hormonal time a few years back and to enjoy better workout better libido and an improved well-being. The best part: All natural and safe way.

BTribulus terrestris is a plant which optimizes the production of testosterone in the body and hence the levels of testosterone increasing them by up to 50%. This results to more muscle strength and -growth after training and increase stamina. It also improves the immune system. For centuries this plant has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for enhancing libido and sexual health.
In recent decades, the use of Tribulus Terrestris has been popular at bodybuilders and weightlifters. The intake is advisable especially for all men aged over 30 years and also for those whose testosterone levels are lower than usual, such as people with low calorie diets or over trained athletes.
Tribulus Terrestris has 6 substances which have proven by scientific studies to increase testosterone levels. These substances, such as Protodioscin, have shown the positive effect of increasing libido.
Suma Root

Pfaffia paniculata, better known as suma, is a large ground vine with a deep root system. Suma is known as Para Toda, which means “for all things.” Native peoples of the Amazon region have used suma for over 300 years as a tonic, a calming agent, ulcer treatment, and even an aphrodisiac.Suma has also been called “the Russian secret”, as it has been taken by Russian Olympic athletes for years to stimulate muscle growth and boost endurance. It help’s control appetite by regulating blood sugar levels.

MACA Root Powder
This plant is grown in the cold mountains of Peru and Bolivia, and offers a hormone level regulating effect. It also gives us the positive feeling of having more energy and strength. In addition, Maca strengthens the immune system and the mental ability. Since it regulates hormone levels, it is recommended both for women and for men over 30 years. With an optimized hormone levels man & woman feel fitter and younger. With the help of Maca, you will be physically and mentally resilient to stress and make you feel full of energy.  Maca also increases significantly the libido and is therefore also considered as an aphrodisiac.
Organic cultivation
Our Organic grown ingredients for the TestoMax are cultivated in an biosecure environment and grows with natural springwater and is fed with organic grown minerals. Our herbal ingredients are regularey controled following the german rules for biological agriculture ideology.
100% Vegan Company founded by vegan strongman and animal right activist Carlos Barbon
100% VEGAN

We are a 100% vegan company with own production. Therefore are able to guarantee that we exclusively use plantbased ingredientes and none of our production equipment was ever in contact with non-vegan ingredients

Alergeen Free

In our own production facility on the south of spain we guarnatee that the entire equipment is never in contact with any kind of alergeens such as gluten, milk, eggs, nuts etc.

100% Natural

We use exclusively natural ingredients – basically we use dehydrated and pulverized powders of plants and algaes.


Our testosterone booster uses the ability of these three plants; to optimize our testosterone hormone levels in a natural way.

Testosterone has a very big impact on our wellbeing and our athletic performance, our libido and muscle growth and strength.

Free shipping for all order over 40 Euros. This counts for all countries from the European community
compliance with the buyer protection
Since we started 2011 we apreciate every client and we want to make everything as easy as possible solving directly and fast any possible quistion and help you may have.
 support hotline
+34 665033362
You can contact us for support during office hours and directly via phone and whatsapp at: +34 665033362
Brose throught our wide range of products. Vitamin Supplements and supplements with special formulas for muscle growth, fat burning and health and energy