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 newWEB veggie style 2019


newWEB veggie style 2019


newWEB veggie style 2019


newWEB veggie style 2019





























































Natural Fat Burner NATUR-BURN - 100 veggie-capsules

Calificación: Sin calificación
Availability:in stock 190 item(s)
Product Code:Natur-Burn
15,79 €
Herbal & Natural Fat-Burner
+ -



Protein shake Vanilla-from-veggie-styleNature-Burn is our natural herbal fat-burning formula based on 4 herbs, which have the ability to maximize our metabolism. An accelerated metabolism leads to an increased consumption of calories which helps to reduce body fat.


An increased metabolic rate has the advantage that our body burns more calories even during the time we are resting and inactive. If we pay at the same time attention to what and how much we eat, we ensure that our body burns the calories stored in fat cells and so the desired weight loss is achieved in a healthy way, without that we lose muscle mass and exclusively with natural herbs.

Natur-Burn helps to maximize our metabolic rate, but we have to take care how many and what kind of calories we eat - after all, our effective formula will not have a chance to fight against 3 large portions of fries.


Our Fat-Burning Formula contains the following herbs: 


Green Tea Extractcircel-green-tea


The Green Tea - comes from the plant Camellia Sinensis. Some of the health benefits is based on the high content of polyphenols also known as EGCG.

Scientific studies could prove that this natural substance increases the metabolic rate which leads to an increased calorie consumption  of the body - even at rest. This is a great help when the goal is to reduce body fat. 





Scientists find out, that the roots of the plant Astralagus has also a positive effect on our metabolism and at the same time it also improves our digestion. Astragalus strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. All these health benefits together leads into the advantage that our body works more efficiently and the body fat burning is maximized. 





This seaweed has a high iodine content of an essential nutrient for optimal thyroid function. The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of energy and optimizes your metabolism. The better and increased our metabolic rate, the more calories our body burns. Especially people with a slow metabolism feel a significant improvement after taking kelp.


Rhosiola Roseanaturburn-rhodiola-rosea


Rhodiola Rosea has several positive effects on our body - initially it increases our physical energy, improves our mood and our mental performance and concentration. And finally, it contains the following natural substances: Rosavin, rosarin, rosin and salidroside; They all belong to the adaptogens; which have the ability to fight stress hormones and therefore to reduce stress.

More energy and an improved muscle performance leads in combination of an increased metabolic rate, that our body consumes more calories not only during the workout but also while we rest and relax.







Prueba Natur-Burn, difruta de los entrenos, come sano y verás como logras bajar estos Kilos de mas



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